Page 11 - GL1500 Customer Feedback
P. 11
Paul C
What can I say... Dave did a fantastic job of diagnosing and repairing the
worn selector fork in my GL1500 SE gearbox. It was a major engine-out job
but Dave explained every step of the way (taking loads of useful photos too!).
He also took a lot of time explaining exactly what he had done and showed
me all the parts. Being a '92 80,000 miler, there were a few seized bolts and
tricky bits along the way but Dave just took them in his stride (carefully
explaining any extra expense - and organising things in the most cost-
effective way). I know for a fact he's sorted a lot of niggly little issues along
the way (some that I wasn't aware of) that he just sorted as part of him
"getting it right". As well as doing a top notch, professional job, there were
cups of tea and friendly banter too! I can't recommend Dave highly
enough. I had heard he was "Mr Goldwing" and it turned out he is! Thanks
lot Dave!
Chris S
I cannot recommend Dave enough. He sorted out my coolant leak, fitted me a
new alternator and serviced my bike all in double quick time and even
picked it up and delivered it back as my recently broken arm is still too
knackered to ride a bike. The only thing I found odd about the bloke was that
he drinks his tea with 2 sugars - weird!
Thanks Dave.
Steve M
WOW, fantastic service at a great price and excellent coffee as well!
My wing was suffering from fuel starvation and was generally in need of a
service. I travelled many miles from Essex purely on the basis that Dave had
great reviews on Goldwing forums. I was met as I arrived with a friendly
smile and a welcome cup of coffee. Dave got stuck in straight away.. Not only
did he do a great job of servicing the bike he also stripped out a lot of
redundant wiring that was used by the previous owner to turn a goldwing
into a mobile Christmas tree. Dave is such a mine of information that it was
(for me) not just a bike service but also an education on many aspects of